Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 4, Thing 8

RSS...ye gods! More things I don't have time for! I understand the desire to have only the info. I truly desire, without having to filter endlessly through junk, but most days I can barely make it through 1 section of the newspaper. Even having to scroll quickly through all these things I'm most interested in seems like it will take too much time. I hope to be proven wrong...maybe all this will serve to organize the many disparate elements of my disorganized life.

While I'm not sure how well this will work for me personally, I see great possibilites for the library world. There are so many book and information related things out there...patrons could gain greater insights galore!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 3, Thing 6

Gotta say, I love the Flickr Alphabet thingie the most...scroll to the bottom of my blog and you'll see why!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 3-More on Technology

...speaking of technology. Although I most sincerely miss the days of fountain pens scratching on paper, I must say I like email tremendously. Also digital photos, 'though I never seem to move them from my camera or do much with them. Ipods are also good to go...

I suppose my main 'beef' is the learning curve. Any new tech tool seems to take a bit of time to master. I'm not talking basic comfort level here, I'm referring to the continued, repetitive use until I don't have to keep checking how to do something and it becomes 2nd nature. Who has that kind of time anymore?

Actually, once mastered, I could spend way too much time playing! Okay. let's face it, I could, and do already, spend a significant chunk of my daily life playing! Can I afford to spend even more?!

Week 3-Picture Time!

The pressure is intense! So little to do, and so much time! Wait, stop, reverse that...
...anyone recognize that literary/film reference?
At any rate, the mayhem continues. Every effort is being made to master all aspects of new technology. I can't have my children knowing more than I do...actually, I just have to keep sounding as if I know more...keeps them on their toes!
To paraphrase a recent movie, "some people get into a pool one step at a time...testing the water with their big toe, then slowly easing in, waiting for their bodies to adjust bit by bit. Others just...JUMP!" I'd like to think I'm of the latter persuasion.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Week 1

And we're off! The hardest part is trying to decide how to be identified...have I permanently pigeon-holed myself? I feel the need to change already! Perhaps I should be "Mr. Aaron"? At any rate, the first step is behind me, and I look forward to the journey...