Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 3-More on Technology

...speaking of technology. Although I most sincerely miss the days of fountain pens scratching on paper, I must say I like email tremendously. Also digital photos, 'though I never seem to move them from my camera or do much with them. Ipods are also good to go...

I suppose my main 'beef' is the learning curve. Any new tech tool seems to take a bit of time to master. I'm not talking basic comfort level here, I'm referring to the continued, repetitive use until I don't have to keep checking how to do something and it becomes 2nd nature. Who has that kind of time anymore?

Actually, once mastered, I could spend way too much time playing! Okay. let's face it, I could, and do already, spend a significant chunk of my daily life playing! Can I afford to spend even more?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course you can. After all, which things in life are the most important - the WORK or the PLAY! It would be great if we could all share your playful spirit.

Your pictures made me think of Nurse Matilda.
